Cheapest Cars to Insure

While looking for the cheapest cars to insure, must take into account some aspects that affect the insurance premium for a car:

  • Type of vehicle
  • Value of vehicle
  • The age of the driver
  • History of pilot
  • Controller sex

Now it is clear that we can not control the last three points. They are in our hands. However, we have a choice when it comes to choosing our car, for those of us who are aware of the money.

First, I discuss the types of vehicles that are not ideal. They include sports cars, mainly for the obvious reason that people who drive sports cars have a higher risk of having an accident, therefore risk, the insurance company will pass that risk for us consumers with a higher premium. In fact, some sports cars costing nearly three times to ensure that a "normal" vehicle.

Also, another thing I noticed is that a two-door vehicle is more expensive compared to a four-door vehicle (make and model remain constant)! This can be simply because some two-door vehicles (though relatively harmless) may have higher premiums.

So what type of vehicles are most effective when it comes to insurance and risk "mathematical formulas" companies? Well, obviously, these cars are considered to have the lowest risk. This includes small and medium-sized cars with low power consumption (eg, engine power) or small sedan "family."

This is a list that I developed that meets the above criteria:

  • Toyota Corolla
  • Ford Focus
  • Peugeot 106
  • Renault Clio
  • Ford Fiesta
  • VW Beetle
  • Fiat Punto
  • VW Polo
  • Vauxhall Corsa

As you can see, these models resemble the cheapest to insure vehicles are "normal" cars have a perception of being driven by drivers who push the limits of security attacks oo. The engine power of the vehicles will be limited, as for most vehicles with 4 cylinders.

So, all the best, compare many insurers, and hope that it helps to get a vehicle that saves you money!

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